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How To Enforce Your Rights Through The Criminal Justice System

In this discussion we will explore several constitutional rights to effectively defend yourself through the criminal process and the importance of a good defense theory to win or achieve the best outcome in your case.

What Will You Learn?

  • How police reports can misrepresent or misinterpret the facts and what can be done about it
  • Why going to trial is often a risky proposition
  • Why you must act fast
  • How pretrial communication with the District Attorney can potentially get your case dismissed
  • What to expect in Court
  • What must be done immediately to prepare for your case

Who Is This For?

If you have recently been charged with a criminal violation or a DUI and have questions about your charges, or explore potential defenses, then this is for you!


Every Wednesday from 12:15 to 1:15 pm

(909) 340-2000

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