
  • Charged With Possession With Intent To Sell In California?

    Published On: Jul 7, 2021|Categories: Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes|

    Charged With Possession With Intent To Sell In California? [playht_listen_button]In California, the law’s treatment of charges for possession of illegal drugs varies based on the type of drug, the amount of drug, and the reason for having it. Possession of moderate amounts for personal use is generally a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail. These cases can be rather straightforward, typically just [...]

  • Hiring A California Attorney For Your Drug Possession Charge

    Published On: Aug 3, 2020|Categories: Drug Crimes|

    Hiring A California Attorney For Your Drug Possession Charge [playht_listen_button]Getting hit with a drug possession charge in California can be a nightmare for you and just as troubling for those affected by it such as your spouse or kids. Despite California’s move in recent years towards reducing penalties for drug offenses, a conviction for drug possession can still severely impact your freedom as well as [...]

  • Half of cannabis users think they can drive safely while high – are they right?

    Published On: May 9, 2019|Categories: Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes|

    Driver in Colorado where recreational use of cannabis has been legal since 2014. Photograph: Alamy Half of cannabis users think they can drive safely while high – are they right? Since recreational pot smoking is now legal in California, many people think it’s ok to drive while stoned. If you get arrested for a Marijuana DUI in California the penalties can be [...]

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